If you've been following all this, you know I'm an absolute sucker for figures with snap on armor. I will tell you why this is my least snap on armor figure of all time, and believe it or not, it's for the dumbest reason possible.
This is not a bad looking Bruce. It has the same pot down spring loaded head that Forever Bruce had. It's shiny, and Clooney's head looks just like he did in Chicago Hope!
My sources tell me that he was NOT in Chicago Hope. Nope. He was in E.R. How the heck could I confuse E.R. with Chicago Hope? Shame on me, I suppose. Also, I should have taken more pictures. Let me tell you about the figure's biggest flaw. The legs are so bent backwards he tends to lose his balance falling forward. The skates kind of help in armor mode, but not by much. The color palette and the sculpt is very weak. Also, this was my first time playing with a friction missile. Ugh. That oversized oven coil is just awful, as is the tiny wrist dagger on the other arm. Also, the Bat-head is rubber, has a weak sculpt and pops out rather easily. I do like the fact that they tried to give it an articulated Bat head (other pop down head for armor figures can't move their heads), but the rubber cape makes this feature useless. For a snow themed camo Batman this is fine, though. I'm just not impressed by the execution. Now we move onto Batman's trusty partner: Chris O' Donnell!
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