I'm just going to go ahead and say it: This is the best Catwoman figure ever released.
Now, as I told you with the Jae Lee Batman I have not read a single new 52 issue, so I don't know what's up with Catwoman past the time when Hush stole her heart, she got it back and proceeded to take his fame and fortune. After that I have no idea what she's been up to. The figure is amazing. The proportions, the character, the sculpt, the paint...And she comes with a nylon whip! There's nothing better! Oh, and a googled and non googled head. This is her Selina head.
She is nicely articulated, though because of her feminine figure it can look kind of weird from certain angles...like the one shown above. Pictured on other angles, she looks like Catwoman! But that's the thing about turning a statuette into an articulated figure. It can be odd.
See? Catwoman is amazing. My favorite femme fatale of all time. I really wish her ankles were articulated. That to me is the biggest problem here. Same goes for Batman and basically all of DC Direct's figures.
I've never met a Catwoman figure I didn't like, but this one is as of this writing, the best. Even Batman is completely dumbfuddled.
That hypnotic state...just as always...
But let's face the reality here. Life's a b*tch, now so am I!
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